FREE for F2F Attendees & FBN Members
Calling all Livestock Producers: Start your Farmer2Farmer off strong with FBN Livestock University, featuring in-depth educational trainings with our expert veterinarians, nutritionists, insurance and biosecurity experts. Livestock University will feature special tracks for Feedlot, Cow-Calf, Swine & Dairy.
Expert Trainings Featuring
Dr. Brian Dorcey, DVM
Head of Veterinary Strategy, FBN Livestock
Dr. Steve Dudley, DVM
Veterinarian &
Swine Expert, FBN
Dr. Reed Leiting, DVM
Head of Swine Nutrition,
FBN Livestock
Dr. Erika Nagorske, DVM
Dairy Expert,
FBN Livestock
Dr. Spencer Wolter, DVM
FBN Livestock
Dr. Monty Kerley, PhD.
Beef Cattle
Nutrition Expert
Dr. Mike Fanning, PhD.
Head of Livestock Insurance, FBN Insurance
Training Schedules
Feedlot University
What to Expect in the First 45 Days
Cow-Calf University
Ranching For Profit
Swine & Dairy University
Managing Today to Ensure Tomorrow
Benchmarks and management practices to help you start cattle on feed right.
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Nutrition: Laying the Foundation
• Dr. Monty Kerley, PhD.
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Optimizing for Positive
Animal Health Outcomes
• Dr. Erika Nagorske, DVM
3:15 - 4:00 PM
Management Strategies for Success
• Dr. Brian Dorcey, DVM
Raising cattle is a lifestyle, but first it's a business. Sharpen your pencil to improve profitability of your cow herd.
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Top 5 Missed Opportunities
in Weaning a Calf
• Dr. Brian Dorcey, DVM
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Lowering Production Costs
• Dr. Spencer Wolter, DVM
3:15 - 4:00 PM
Dealing with Drought
• Dr. Erika Nagorske, DVM
• Dr. Monty Kerley, PhD.
• Dr. Mike Fanning, PhD.
Livestock risk management production practices and strategies to plan for the future.
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Selective Dry Cow Treatment
• Dr. Erika Nagorske, DVM
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Manure Management
• Dr. Reed Leiting, DVM
3:15 - 4:00 PM
Swine Biosecurity
• Dr. Steve Dudley, DVM